Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The final day of “Go Green! with Furoshiki” project 最終回

Students enjoyed making the most difficult version of furoshiki bag, an open-close adjustable bag which would open and close without making a knot on the final day of “Go Green! with Furoshiki” project (April 19th, 2016). Now, all of my students are able to make the bag on their own without any instructions!
“Go Green! with Furoshiki”(風呂敷でエコに暮らそう)プロジェクト最終回(2016年四月十九日)。学生たちが一番作るのに苦労していた、手提げを引っ張るだけで口が開閉する鞄を楽しくおさらい。全員私の手助けなしでできるようになりました!

Students learned very cool ways to carry and wrap things with Japanese furoshiki in this class. They can spread their knowledge not only in English, but also in Japanese. They might help to re-import furoshiki culture to nowadays Japan. In addition to knowledge and skills, we earned something intangible, which is a tight bond. We still have four weeks to go until the spring semester ends but are so united because of this project. I hope that students will keep using furoshiki and share what they experienced in this project. I would like to say thank you again to Japan Business Association for funding this project.


Thursday, March 31, 2016

“Go Green! with Furoshiki” Project Day 4

The fourth day of “Go Green! with Furoshiki” project (March 30th, 2016) started from 8:30 pm when two visitors, Ms. Atsuko Tanabe and Mr. Koji Tashima, from the California Japan Business Association arrived. My students who are knowledgeable about honorific forms now welcomed the guests of my project using appropriate forms. The guests were very nice to answer all questions from my students. Also, my students impressed our guests by showing their skills of making different types of bag for different purposes as we practiced last project day. “Go Green! with Furoshiki”(風呂敷でエコに暮らそう)プロジェクト第四回(2016330日)。プロジェクト四日目は午後八時半に風呂敷プロジェクトの資金援助をしてくださっているカリフォルニア日系企業協会の田辺さんと田島さんが到着してから始まりました。敬語を勉強した学生たちはもちろん敬語を使って歓迎の挨拶。学生からの簡単な質問にも快く答えてくださいました。また、プロジェクト3日目に練習した成果もあって、学生たちは風呂敷で持ち運びたい物に最適なかばんを何とか作りました。学生の一生懸命な姿にお二人は感銘されていました。

The guests said that they never had their own furoshiki (this is common for most Japanese people. I am try to revive furoshiki culture with my students in the U.S.A.!) So they had no ideas how to make bags from furoshiki. My students boldly taught them how to make a bag by instructing the guests in Japanese. Of course, our guests were good/quick learners! お二方ともマイ風呂敷を持っていらっしゃいませんでした。(ほとんどの日本人が持っていません。だからアメリカで日本語を学ぶ学生たちと復活させようと思っているのです!)ですから、どうやってかばんを作るのかもご存知ありませんでした。大胆にも学生たちは日本語で作り方を説明。もちろん、お二方とも飲み込みが早くあっという間にかばんをお作りになりました。


And yoga mat wrapping! Students were eager to help them all the time! ヨガマット包みにも挑戦!学生たち、なかなかいい指導力を発揮していました。

  Tanabe san and Tashima san from JBA, thank you so much for visiting my class!! Students were delighted to be able to communicate with Japanese business persons! 日系企業協会の田辺さん田島さん、授業にお越し下さってありがとうございました。真のプロフェッショナルのお二方とお話ができ学生たち、とても満足そうでした!